Circuit Training for Fun & Fitness


Tue 10 Sep 2024 6:00PM — 7:00PM

Event information

Registrations for this event are closed.

Fun & Fitness Circuit Training Session

6pm to 7pm at the club house. Come and enjoy a structured exercise session, raise a sweat, have a laugh and go home feeling great.

COVID 19 Safety for your protection as well as that of others.

  • DO NOT attend if you have ANY cold or flu like symptoms.
  • Members MUST register on our website in EVENTS to be included in each training session.  This enables coaches to formulate crews before session commencing. Once registered, it is vital to attend the training session booked and notify club if you cannot attend.

Personal hygiene for participants, coaches, officials and volunteers, 

  • DO NOT attend if you are feeling unwell
  • Hand washing/sanitising. (Antibacterial gel and wipes will be available.)
  • Cover your coughs and sneezes 
  • No sharing water bottles.
